Search SSRS Reports for Keywords
Microsoft’s SQL Server Reporting Services, colloquially known as SSRS, provides a great way to expose data from SQL Server in human-consumable form, typically via a web site. Generally, it’s a good idea to use a stored procedure as the source of data for SSRS Reports. In a large SSRS environment, it can be challenging to determine which reports use a specific stored procedure.
This code provides details about SSRS Reports where the definition of the report includes any specific keyword, such as the name of a stored procedure.

Fashion Plate (Walking Dress) by John Bell, 1822
You’ll need access to the ReportServer database to run this code.
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USE [ReportServer]; GO /* Searches ReportServer item definitions for the @search_term Hannah Vernon 2022-05-11 */ DECLARE @search_term nvarchar(max) = N'%account_summary_by_age%'; SELECT [item_name] = c.[Name] , [path] = c.[Path] , [description] = c.[Description] , [is_hidden] = c.[Hidden] , [parent_item_id] = COALESCE( ( SELECT TOP(1) pc.[Name] FROM dbo.[Catalog] pc WHERE pc.ItemID = c.ParentID ) , N'') , [object_type] = CASE c.[Type] WHEN 1 THEN 'Folder' WHEN 2 THEN 'Report' WHEN 3 THEN 'File' WHEN 4 THEN 'Linked Report' WHEN 5 THEN 'Data Source' WHEN 6 THEN 'Report Model' WHEN 7 THEN 'Report Part' WHEN 8 THEN 'Shared Data Set' WHEN 9 THEN 'Image' ELSE CONVERT(varchar(20), c.[Type]) END , [report_definition_xml] = CONVERT(xml, c.[Content]) , [link_source_id] = c.[LinkSourceID] , [created_by] = uc.[UserName] , [creation_date] = c.[CreationDate] , [modified_by] = um.[UserName] , [modified_date] = c.[ModifiedDate] , [item_id] = c.[ItemID] FROM dbo.[Catalog] c INNER JOIN dbo.[Users] AS uc ON c.[CreatedByID] = uc.[UserID] INNER JOIN dbo.[Users] AS um ON c.[ModifiedByID] = um.[UserID] WHERE c.[Content] IS NOT NULL AND CONVERT(nvarchar(max), CONVERT(xml, c.[Content], 0), 0) LIKE @search_term ORDER BY c.[Name]; |
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